Saturday 25 August 2012

Computer Generations

Based on the computers technological development computers can be classified as different type of generations.These generations of the computers defined how the computers developed technologically.

1. First generation Computers(1940-1956)
First Genaration ComputersIn this generation computers are developed by vacuum tubes for circuitry and memory . This type of computers are very big size, nearly occupies one room. For run this computer more electricity is required and this computer will generate lot of heat . This generation computers were worked on machine language is nothing but low level language which is understood by computers. And this type computers are very slow, they can't do multitasking, this computer solve one problem at a time For this computers Input is punched cards and paper tapes, the output will be display on the printout.
Example For First generation Computers are UNIVAC and ENIAC.

2.Second generation Computers((1956-1963)

Second Genaration computers
In second generation computer,Transistors are used in place of vacuum tubes.transistor is prepared with semiconductor amplifies a signal or it may opens or closes a is invented in Bell labs in 1947.Transistor is a key for digital circuits.Digital circuits are used in vacuum tubes,but it had many disadvantages.they were very large and it required more energy to process,and releases more heat,and were more prone to failures.after invention of transistors,all these problems are solved.computing is very easy with transistors than vacuum tubes.Transistors are invented in 1940's but in 1950's it is came into work at widespread.they are small in size,and cheaper than vacuum tubes,more reliable.

3.Third generation Computers(1964-1971) 

Third generation computers are designed with Integrated circuits.they are placed on silicon chips called semi increases the speed of the system.In this generation,users interact with the system through keyboards and monitors and interfaced with operating system.with operating system,device can run many different applications at one time with central program that monitor the memory.
Power consumption was very low in this generation. SSI & MSI technology was used.High level languages were used in this generation.

4.Fourth generation Computers(1972-present)

  In the first phase of this generation Very Scale Integrated Circuits (VLSI) are used.semiconducting material is replaced in the place of magnetic core memories.but in the second phase micro processor speed is increased and memory size is also increased.pentium,power PC etc are used In this generation.Portable computers are developed,RAID technology was used for the data communication is also started through computers.different types of memories are came into applicable with high speed& storage capacity.In 1981,IBM developed first computer for personal use.

5.fifth generation Computers(present-beyond)
Fifth generation computer    This generation computers are based on Artificial Intelligence.voice recognition was the best application of this eneration.parallel processing and super conductors are used to make AI a reality.In this generation devices are developed that are sed to respond to the natural language input and to learn self is used in intelligent robots and used for super conductors.

 These all about the generation of computers......

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